Mass media about us

January, 2015 . AKKORK gives its approval
The Tyumen State Oil and Gas University summed up the professional public accreditation of eight educational programs. Vladimir Mayer, the vice-rector for educational and methodical work and innovative development, reported on its results.

December, 2014. The high demand. Three Master's programs of TSU have undergone professional public accreditation
It was held the meeting of the Accreditation Board of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA ROSSII", on which educational programs of Russian universities and colleges who undergo an independent evaluation of the quality of education at the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) have been accredited. Following the meeting, three Master's programs of TSU were accredited.

November, 2014. Signal on the preparation quality. Three Master's programs of TSU are in process of getting professional public accreditation
On November 5-7, the experts of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) and the employers' association "OPORA ROSSII" visited the University for on-site visit as a part of the accreditation procedure of Master's programs, implemented in FPMK, FTF, FInf.

October, 2014. A sign of quality
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University has applied for professional public accreditation of eight educational programs. The expert group of the university has started its work with the help of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development ("AKKORK", Moscow).

October, 2014, the journal "Education Quality". V General Assembly of ENQA: a new strategic plan and the formation of a flexible approach in the external quality assessment.
In the journal "Education Quality" the information on The 2014 ENQA General Assembly which took place on 16-17 October in Zagreb, Croatia, was published. 
The 2014 ENQA General Assembly was hosted by the Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE). The main themes of the General Assembly Forum were the ENQA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and the revision of the ENQA review process. In addition, a presentation of the SEQUENT project on QA of e-learning was provided.
More details: and

October, 2014. Employment of graduates - the main indicator of the efficiency of the university
In the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University has completed its work the group of experts of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development "AKKORK" (Moscow). Eight training areas underwent the professional and public assessment, including: "State and municipal management", "Chemical Technology", "Technology of transport processes" and "Operation of transport and technological machines and systems."

October, 2014. Issues of International Accreditation to strengthen the position of Russian universities discussed in Far Eastern Federal University (DVFU)
The Conference devoted to the international public and professional accreditation in higher education was held on October 29 in the Far Eastern Federal University. The discussion of the issues of quality of education and strengthening of the position of Russian universities was held with invited reputable domestic and foreign experts.
The conference was held in the Far Eastern Federal Universit, with the support of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science. It was Sergey Kravtsov, the Head of Rosobrnadzor, who initiated this meeting during his visit to the university this spring. Also, the experts from the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development, National Center of Public Accreditation Association for Engineering Education of Russia and Jagannath Patil, President of the Asia-Pacific Network for Quality Assurance (APQN), took part in preparation and holding of the conference.

September, 2014, the journal "Education Quality ".
The journal "Education Quality" introduces a new heading, "Portrait of an expert". An interview with Galina Dovzhik, AKKORK expert, Ph.D., Deputy Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the State University of Management (Moscow), is published on the Russian version of the site:

September, 2014, the journal "Education Quality".
The international forum "Altai-Asia": towards the integration of educational systems

In late September, the II International Educational Forum "Altai-Asia 2014: Eurasian educational space - new challenges and best practices" took place in Barnaul. It was held on the initiative of the Altai State University with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) and the administration of the Altai Territory. The Forum was attended by over 300 representatives from 70 Russian and foreign universities, representatives of science and business fields, industry, government and public figures of the Eurasian socio-economic region.

July, 2014. Professional and public accreditation of RSSU. 12 areas of training of the University underwent professional public accreditation.
On the 30 of June 12 Certificates of professional public accreditation of educational programs were solemnly presented at a meeting of the Academic Council of RSSU to our university.
Documents were presented to Sergey Anisimov, PhD, the Director of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKOR). The certificates were handed over to Natalia B. Pochinok, the acting Rector, and to some leaders of the main educational programs.

During a meeting of the Inter-regional Ural Federal District Professional Education Council, general director of AKKORK, Sergey  Anisimov, gave an interview for reportage on the Vesti "Yamal" channel

Quality assessment understanding level in Germany is quite high

11.12. 2013 Tyumen State Oil and Gas University undergoes "trust procedure" step by step

13.09. 2013. Students won't be able to hide the twains from the future employers

15.08.2013. “Tikhookeanskaya Zvezda”, the political newspaper (Khabarovsk) "Are the students well trained? Independent reviewers will decide that”.

09.07.2013 Group “Expert”, "EMPLOYERS LOOK AT THE MARKS".

No. 5, May 2013 Magazine “Regions of Russia”. “AKKORK reviewers are ready to be responsible for the independence, professionalism and respectability of reviewers".

16.05.2013 "Arguments of the week", "Russian education: step forward".

“Regions of Russia” magazine. "Analyzing quality".

21-27.02. 2013. The newspaper "Moscow Area. Week", No. 7, "Overlooking a profession".

8.02.2013. Magazine “Regions of Russia”. Natalya Baranova DGD of AKKORK : "Quality of education needs an assessment"

January, 2013, Magazine “Quality of education.” Interview of the general director of AKKORK Aleksey Belokopytov "Quality of education: totals, tendencies, tasks".

18.12.2012. Magazine “Expert.” "Education audit". "OPORA ROSSII" together with the accreditation agency "AKKORK" assessed quality of education and efficiency of MISiS".

17.12.2012. Magazine “Regions of Russia. "AKKORK: care of quality and efficiency of Russian education". Interview with the deputy general director for methodology and project work of the AKKORK Natalya Baranova.

12.12. 2012. "Business online magazine ". "The preorder for higher education institution". Interview with the general director of the AKKORK Aleksey Belokopytov.

27.11.2012 "Komsomolskaya Pravda". "Medvedev has approved the state program for  development of education till 2020".Assessment of quality of professional education shall become transparent and independent.

23.11. 2012 "Komsomolskaya Pravda": "Happiness standard". The round table devoted to the Russian education with involvement of the deputy minister of science and education  A. Klimov, gen. director of AKKORK . A. Belokopytov, specialists in the field of education.

The Russian Engineering Union will look after quality of Russian education

VyatSU is the first institution of higher education in the region, which will undergo international accreditation.

Interview in “Regions of Russia” No. 10-11 (78-79) of the general director of AKKORK  Alexey Belokopytov in October-November 2012.

Comment of the general director of AKKOPK Belokopytov A.V. in the programme “To watch in order to Understand” on RBC TV. August 31, 2012 Administrative audit in the institution of higher education

Independent assessment for the leaders

Education audit is the interests of the strongest persons

Russian Academy of Education accreditation: certificate No. 1

Evgeny Boyko: "The trust to work of independent accreditation agencies increases"

"We are ready to a dialog not only with Europe"

Nikolay Kuznetsov: "… Institutions of Higher education, which realize the truth, will always be competitive"

Valery Kuzovlev: "The role of the public - professional quality assessment of the education increases considerably”

E-education in the international rules

Competitiveness increase through the recognition of professionals

e-learning should  have uniform standards

The Tempus projects as incentive for development

Internal Quality Assurance System implementation: tasks of external review

Evgeny Boyko: "Development of external review is caused by public opinion"

Lipetsk State Technical University: efficiency strategy plus the confirmed quality

Public assessment according to the Bologna standards

Competition theory and tasks of the competitiveness increase of Russian education.

Education quality assessment of innovative model

Quality assessment as a competitive advantage

Codes of a respectable practice.

The independent assessment increases chances

Quality assessment as a preventive measure

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