The principles of AKKORK
- Integrity and independence;
- Confidentiality;
- Efficiency and efficacy;
- Accountability;
- Respect for the diversity and autonomy of the Russian higher education institutions;
- Fostering social partnerships.
1) Integrity and Independence
The Agency provides its evaluation procedures taking into account independence, impartiality and flexibility and its decisions are evidence-based.
2) Confidentiality
Information received by the experts or by the Agency in the course of preparation and conduct of education audit is confidential, has to be used only inside of the Agency by consent of the HEI, and its sources are not divulged.
3) Efficiency and efficacy
As the results of the review at program or institutional levels the HEI is provided with the experts' conclusions that help improve follow-up activity of the HEI.
4) Accountability
The AKKORK activity is transparent. The Agency provides information on its documentation and methodology on website or by the means of other mass media resources.
5) Respect for the diversity and autonomy of the Russian higher education institutions
The Agency pays attention to the diversity of higher education institutions, together with their complete freedom to organize and run themselves under their self-governing capability.
6) Fostering social partnerships
The Agency facilitates the engagement of a broad range of stakeholders in quality evaluation procedures: students, university community; researchers; employers; authorities; the general public.