How does AKKORK guarantee the independence of the expertise?

- In accordance with the statutes AKKORK is not affiliate or structural unit of government organizations and State education authorities.


External review of quality assurance is performed by special panels of certified experts from among the staff of universities and academic institutions, employers organizations, student organizations. Independence, impartiality and professionalism of the experts is guaranteed by internal systems and procedures of AKKORK which include the following criteria:


1. Openness of information on the mechanisms and assessment procedures, the availability of its results in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Elimination of discrimination and biased decision-making.
3. Competence, provided by highly qualified experts, the use of standardized assessment tools and technological assessment instruments.
4. Impartiality and confidentiality.
5. Harmonization of approaches with the certification procedures of university/academy/institute graduates qualifications.


The result of quality assessment and quality assurance of education is a report written by the experts. Each expert is responsible for the quality of the report. The final text of the expert report is sent for review to the AKKORK Advisory Council.

AKKORK Advisory Council consists of authoritative representing universities and academic institutions, employers organizations, student organizations. The decisions of the AKKORK Advisory Council are impartial and independent due to the collegial nature of such decisions making.

In the case when an educational institution intends to pass not only the quality expertise, but accreditation the approved reports are sent to the AKKORK Accreditation Council .

Members of the AKKORK Advisory Council and AKKORK Accreditation Council can not  be linked with each other with official and business relations. AKKORKAdvisory Council  and the experts can not influence the decision of the Accreditation Council, as well as members of the Accreditation Council -  influence the results of expertise. Such a separation of powers allows to avoid the possibility of abuse  and prevent undue influence  of any structure of AKKORK on the final decision.

Educational institutions have the opportunity to dispute the decision of the AKKORK Advisory Council and AKKORK Accreditation Council.

At present in Accreditation and Advisory Councils are some university leaders, that is not the ordinary case in QA agencies in Western Europe. However all these people are the most authoritative specialists in RF in QA sphere. Each of them represents different Academic and Methodical Associations. The functions of the Vice Rectors are not the management of his own university, but the management of the Academic and Methodical Associations. Academic and Methodical Association is a body in the RF system of higher professional education in each of the study fields that are being taught all over Russia. Main tasks of the Academic and Methodical Councils in each of the fields are: participation in the State Education Standards development and preliminary curriculums approved by the State; coordination of the activities of scientific-pedagogical societies of the universities, employers representatives, institutions and organizations in the sphere of quality maintenance and development of the contents of Higher and Postgraduate professional education; development of the suggestions on the structure of the corresponding field of higher and postgraduate education and contents of the main education program; expertise of the academic and methodical documentation necessary for the bachelor and master preparation in the sphere of higher professional and postgraduate education in the corresponding field of study. 


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