6-7 October. Astana. In the Kazakh National Arts University was held the international seminar on academic mobility problems in the framework of the 20th meeting of the Evrazes (Eurasian Economic Community) Integration Committee Education Council.10.10.11

The Seminar was attended by Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan B.T. Jumagulov, RF Minister of Education and Science, A.A. Fursenko, Belorussian Minister of Education S. Maskevich, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan K.J.Sadykov, Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan A.Rakhmonov, the rectors and representatives from leading universities, accrediting agencies of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Lithuania.

The Seminar was an exchange of experience in higher education institutions of the Eurasian continent on academic mobility of students, a strategy of further regional cooperation in education and science. The main issues for discussion were: the introduction of national credit systems alike with the European system of transfer and accumulation of credits, the implementation of academic mobility and ensuring comparability between national systems and practices of education, development of effective tools to assure the quality of education in the countries of Eurasian Economic Community.

In a solemn ceremony 17 rectors of higher education institutions of Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia signed a new page declaration Taraz - Memorandum of higher education institutions within the Eurasian space. This Memorandum was a logical continuation of the Memorandum of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Taraz Declaration) and opens up new possibilities for expanding the boundaries of higher education.

In the framework of the Seminar was organized a training seminar "Credit education technology: new approaches the organization and planning of the educational process," round tables "Academic Mobility: Organizational aspects and implementation mechanisms" and "Aspects of formation of the Eurasian continent education quality assurance." At the round table on the formation of the Eurasian continent education quality assurance with a report on the experience of the Russian Federation in the creation of an independent evaluation of the education quality and accreditation was made by Director General of AKKORK Alex Belokopytov.

As a result of the completion of the Seminar was adopted the Joint Communiqué on regional cooperation in higher education: Astana initiative.

The total number of participants exceeded 350.

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