International seminar “European Dimension of Quality Assurance” 14 March 2011 15.03.11

On 14th of March 2011 in Berlin was held an International Seminar «European Dimension of Quality Assurance».

«Internal Quality Assurance of Reviewer Selection and Monitoring at AKKORK»13.03.11

European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) has published materials of working group about ways to build system of internal quality assurance. In this publication has been included the material written by the head of AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of economics, professor Yuri Rubin and the head of International office Erika Soboleva « Internal Quality Assurance of Reviewer Selection and Monitoring at AKKORK». You may find the article here:

«Market of educational services: from quality to competitive business-models (Part 1)»10.03.11

In the third issue of the magazine named «Vischee obrazovanie v Rossii» («Higher education in Russia») in 2011 was published an article written by the head of AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of economics, professor Yuri Rubin «Market of educational services: from quality to competitive business-models (Part 1)». It is based on the results of an expertise on program level made by AKKORK. You may find the article here:

1st ENQA Members’ Forum05.03.11

On 4th of March in The Hague at the premises of Accreditation Organization of Netherlands and Flanders(NVAO) was held the 1st ENQA Members’ Forum where took part Erika Soboleva, Head of the International Relations Office in AKKORK.

Joint seminar of AKKORK and Department of Education for independent accreditation and quality assurance in education 04.03.11

On March 2nd, 2011 AKKORK and Department of Education organised a seminar for representatives of administration from the colleges of Moscow.

«Higher education in Russia: quality and competitiveness»01.03.11

Was published a book «Visshee obrazovanie v Rossii: kachestvo i konkurentosposobnost’» («Higher education in Russia: quality and competitiveness») written by the head of AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of economics, professor Yuri Rubin. This book contains articles which were written in 2001-2011 years and were published before in different sources such as: scientific magazines, materials of conferences, and «workshops». Most of them are written in Russian, some are in English. There are few main themes that unite all the materials in the book: analysis of trends in education, educational market in Russia and the use of ESG, competition, competitiveness of education, quality assurance of education, business models of participants of the education market.

Seminar on quality assurance in education at Lomonosov Moscow State University 19.02.11

The seminar on quality assurance in education was organised on February 17th, 2011 at Lomonosov Moscow State University within the framework of a strategic collaboration between AKKORK and Association of Classical Universities of Russia.

«Internal quality assurance of independent accreditation procedures in education»11.02.11

In the second issue of magazine «Vischee obrazovanie v Rossii» («Higher education in Russia») in 2011 was published an article written by the head of AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of economics, professor Yuri Rubin and the head of International office Erika Soboleva. «Internal quality assurance of independent accreditation procedures in education». It tells about an experience of building internal systems of quality assurance in Western European quality assurance agencies. You may find the article here:

Meeting of Federal Service on Supervision in Education and Science Board on accreditation of higher education institutions, 10.02.201110.02.11

A meeting of Federal Service on Supervision in Education and Science Board on accreditation of higher education institutions was held on February 10th, 2011.

«Modern E-learning: Qualitative education accessibility concept»14.01.11

European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) has published a collection of articles about quality assurance in sphere of E-learning. One of them is an article of the head of AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of economics, professor Yuri Rubin named « Modern E-learning: Qualitative education accessibility concept». You may find the article here:

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