The AKKORK Accreditation Commission chair Yury Rubin was elected into the Board of Directors of the European Foundation for Quality in E-learning (EFQUEL).08.09.10

Within the frameworks of the 4th Innovation Forum of the European Foundation for Quality in E-learning the AKKORK Accreditation Commission chair Yury Rubin was elected into the Board of Directors of EFQUEL.

“New international standards in e-learning”10.08.10

In the seventh issue of the magazine named «Vischee obrazovanie v Rossii» («Higher education in Russia») in 2010 was published an article by the member of the AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of technical sciences, professor Boris Pozdneev “New international standards in e-learning”. The article can be found here In the article there are described existing and newly emerged standards of e-learning that could be introduced in RF.

30.07.2010 The agreement on collaboration between the AKKORK agency and the Rectors’ Council of Voronezh Region02.08.10

30.07.2010 The agreement was signed between the AKKORK agency and the Rectors’ Council of Voronezh Region on collaboration in the field of independent education quality assessment and quality assurance.

The accreditation of the Bashkiria State Pedagogical University n. a. Akmulla (BGPU) 06.07.10

On the 30th of June in the Russian academy on Education took place a solemn accreditation certification granting to the Bashkiria State Pedagogical University n. a. Akmulla (BGPU).

AKKORK on the 24-25th of June 2010 conducted regular workshop within the frameworks of AKKORK experts’ training program in Moscow 28.06.10

The Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) on the 24-25th of June 2010 conducted regular workshop within the frameworks of AKKORK experts’ training program in Moscow. The training had passed 29 persons who represented the leading education institutions of Moscow. After completion of the training the AKKORK experts’ applicants had to carry out the final qualification work for the purpose of the follow-up AKKORK certification. The Certification reception gives the right to participate in the procedures of external education quality assessment and assurance conducted by the Agency in compliance with the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) regulations.

11.06.2010, The Astana Polytechnic College accreditation 15.06.10

On the 11th of June 2010 the AKKORK Director General Aleksey Belokopytov took part in the ceremony of AKKORK accreditation certificate granting to the Astana Polytechnic College. The ceremony was organized with the assistance of Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Republic (MON RK).

11.06.2010, The Agreement on collaboration between the AKKORK agency and the Association of technical and professional education organizations of Astana 15.06.10

On the 11th of June 2010 the Director General of AKKORK Aleksey Belokopytov and the President of the Association of technical and professional education organizations Viktor Starunov signed the Agreement on collaboration in the field of independent quality assessment of technical and professional education.

01.06.2010, The Agreement on collaboration between the AKKORK agency and the Russian HEIs education association in the field of raw material technologies and ingredients of animal origin 02.06.10

On the first of June 2010 there was signed the Agreement on collaboration in the field of independent education quality assurance and assessment system between the AKKORK agency and the Russian HEIs education association in the field of raw material technologies and ingredients of animal origin.

The AKKORK Accreditation Commission Chair PhD Yuri Rubin and the Head of International Projects Office Erika Soboleva participated in yearly conference that took place from the 26th to the 29th of May 2010 in Berlin.01.06.10

The AKKORK Accreditation Commission Chair PhD Yuri Rubin and the Head of International Projects Office Erika Soboleva participated in yearly conference of business schools MBA (AMBA) rectors and directors that took place from the 26th to the 29th of May 2010 in Berlin.

28.05.2010, The AKKORK agency became a member of the Central and Easter European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEE Network) 31.05.10

On the 28th of May 2010 at the General Assembly of CEE Network in Sofia (Bulgaria) the Agency AKKORK became the full membership of the network. Also within the frameworks of the General Assembly the Director General of AKKORK Aleksey Belokopytov made a report about key results of the AKKORK activity and achievement in the field of education quality assurance and assessment and answered the questions of the partners from other countries.

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