On the 23rd of April 2010, AKKORK representatives participated in the international scientific-practical conference on "Higher Education Quality Assurance"23.04.10

On the 23rd of April 2010, AKKORK representatives participated in the international scientific-practical conference on "Higher Education Quality Assurance".

From the 22nd till the 23rd of April 2010, was held regional "Fair of Inventions - Altai Territory 2010"23.04.10

AKKORK representatives participated in the regional “Fair of Inventions - Altai Territory 2010”.

From the 21st till the 22nd of April 2010, an international forum "Modern education: content, technology, quality" was held22.04.10

On these dates, CEO of the AKKORK agency A.V. Belokopytov participated in the international forum with the report on "The educational system of audit in public - professional accreditation in Russia."

Board meeting of Rosobrnadzor on accreditation of educational institutions was held on 15/04/201016.04.10

Board meeting of Rosobrnadzor on accreditation of educational institutions was held on 15/04/2010

In Voronezh opened the 6th International Specialized Exhibition – “Education and Career 2010”02.04.10

During the exhibition was held a common session of the Council of Rectors of Voronezh and Voronezh region.

International scientific-methodical conference “The improvement of financial and economic education: content, problems, prospects” was held in the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.01.04.10

International scientific-methodical conference “The improvement of financial and economic education: content, problems, prospects” was held in the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
March,30 – April 1, 2010. International scientific-methodical conference “The improvement of financial and economic education: content, problems, prospects” was held in the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Seminar of experts training in Novosibirsk29.03.10

The notable increase in the number of educational institutions whishing to conduct professional assessment of quality assurance and to use its positive outcomes with the aim to enhance their competitiveness in the educational market, intends to expand the database of AKKORK experts.

Board meeting of Rosobrnadzor on accreditation of HEI18.03.10

On the 18th of March, 2010 the board meeting of Rosobrnadzor on accreditation took place

«Free Higher Professional Education in Russia: mutual interests and mutual guaranties»12.03.10

In the third issue of magazine named «Vischee obrazovanie v Rossii» in 2010 («Higher education in Russia») was published an article written by the head of AKKORK Accreditation Council, doctor of economics, professor Yuri Rubin. The name of the article is «Besplatnoe VPO v Rossii: vzaimnie interesi i vzaimnie garantii» («Free Higher Professional Education in Russia: mutual interests and mutual guaranties») It describes how on the ESG basis may be created principles of mutual guaranties in education. You may find this article here: www.vovr.ru.

An Annual APQN Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand on March 2-5, 2010.09.03.10

An Annual APQN Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand on March 2-5, 2010.

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