Congratulations to our partners! Five programmes of the Samara State Aerospace University received international accreditation31.08.15

On August 31st, 2015 at the meeting of the Academic Council Erika Soboleva, General Director of AKKORK Agency, solemnly presented the certificates of international accreditation of SSAU educational programs to the Administration of the Samara State Aerospace University named after academician Korolyov S.P.

The three master's programs in the directions "Applied Mathematics and Physics", "Design, Construction and CALS Technology in Aviation Engineering" and "Power Units and Energy Systems of Aircraft") and two educational programs at doctoral level ("Aircraft and Aerospace Engineering: Heat, Elecrojet Engines and Power Facilities of Aircraft" and "Physics and Astronomy") of SSAU proved the high level of quality in accordance with the European quality standards of education and according to the results obtained accreditation certificates of the German Agency ZEvA (Zentrale Evalutions-und-Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover).

In their final reports on the basis of examination the European reviewers noted the high qualification of students and teachers, as well as their research results, which have, in particular, and a distinct international profile. There have also been marked a high level of demand for university graduates, their broad knowledge and expertise in the field of air- and rocket engineering.  

Administration of SSAU believes that obtaining the foreign accreditation of educational programs largely allows the university to achieve its objectives to improve the international scientific and educational cooperation, and to improve the competitiveness of educational programs SSAU in the international market of educational services in the whole.

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