Online visit of AKKORK agency and ZEvA German agency reviewers' team to RUDN University26.06.20

On the 24-25th of June, within the framework of the procedure of external quality assessment and preparation for international accreditation of the higher educational program "Veterinary" (Specialist degree), an off-site visit to the RUDN University was held. The choice of the remote format of the assessment procedure was determined by the current challenging situation in the world caused by the spread of the novel COVID-19 virus. However, for AKKORK this format is not a new one - on the contrary, it is a well-adjusted procedure of many years of experience, which allows, through a thorough preliminary preparation and developed organization process, to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the educational program.

The reviewers' team was formed by the Russian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development AKKORK and the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency ZEvA (Hannover, Germany).

The international team of reviewers consisted of:

Prof. Dr. Handler - Professor for Reproductive Medicine, Free University Berlin, Equine Clinic - Surgery and Radiology.
Prof. Dr. Handler – Professor of the Department of Anatomy, University of Veterinary Medicine (Hannover).
Dr. Montag - Veterinary Surgery Dr. Montag und Dr. Seger – Veterinary, Veterinarians Without Borders – Executive Board.
Dr. Stepanishin – PhD in Biology, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assistant to the Rector, Moscow Veterinary Academy named after K.I. Scriabin.
Damon Mohebbi – student of the Medicine faculty (with knowledge of Veterinary Medicine) University Düsseldorf.

The work of the reviewers lasted for two days, during which there were meetings with program's heads and teaching staff involved in the implementation of the program, an online tour of laboratories and classrooms, meetings with employers, students and alumni.

The decision on the international accreditation is expected in December 2020.

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