Online visit of AKKORK reviewers’ team to RTSU23.10.20

On October 20-22, within the framework of the procedure of external education quality assessment and preparation for international accreditation of the higher educational programs an online visit to the Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University (RTSU) was held.

The choice of the remote format of the assessment procedure was determined by the current challenging situation in the world caused by the spread of the novel COVID-19 virus. However, for AKKORK this format is not a new one - on the contrary, it is a well-adjusted procedure of many years of experience, which allows, through a thorough preliminary preparation and developed organization process, to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the educational program.

Twelve RTSU's higher educational programs are submitted for accreditation:

  • Jurisprudence (Bachelor's program), Civil law and Criminal law (Master's programs);
  • Journalism (Bachelor's program);
  • Culture Studies (Bachelor's program);
  • Management (Bachelor's program);International Management (Master's program);
  • Economics (Bachelor's program), Corporate Finance (Master's program);
  • Linguistics (Bachelor's program), Theory of translation and intercultural / interlingual communication and Theoretical and applied Linguistics (Master's programs). 
The international team of reviewers consisted of:

Maxim Ponomariov, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of Organizational and Management Innovation, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (academic representative); 
Ismat Tukhtaev, MBA; branch director of M-Vector, Tajikistan (business/industry representative); 
Anna Bylinkina, Management Bachelor's Degree Graduate, student of the Management Master program, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (representative of the student community); 
Irina Grigorieva, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Educational Programs of St. Petersburg State University (academic representative);
Jamshed Kuddusov, Director of the Labor Market Research Center "Sotsservis"; Chairman of the Board of the Association of Adult Education of Tajikistan (business/industry representative);  
Aigul Omurkanova, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of International Journalism, Head of the Journalism educational program (Bachelor's degree), KyrgyzRussian Slavic University (academic representative); 
Daria Posokhina, correspondent, presenter, "Kray Ryazansky" TV company; member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (business/industry representative);
Karina Nesipbaeva, student, training field – Journalism, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (representative of the student community);  
Tatiana Lapochkina, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Educational Process Organization and Inter-institutional Cooperation, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (academic representative);
Elena Sharina, licensed guide and interpreter in St. Petersburg and its suburbs, author of thematic tours (business/industry representative); 
Vera Mityaguina, Dr. of Philology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Theory and Practice of Translation, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Volgograd State University (academic representative); 
Irina Tupitsyna, Dr. of Philology, Professor, member of the International Association of Translators; member of the National Society of Applied Linguistics (business/industry representative); 
Yulia Klinkova, student of the Master's program in Linguistics, specialty Theory and Practice of Interpretation and Translation at Volgograd State University (representative of the student community); 
Elena Sychenko, PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair of Labor and Social Law at St. Petersburg State University, member of the Association CIELO (Comunidad para la investigación y el estudio laboral y ocupacional), ISLSSL (International Society for Labor and Social Security Law), member of the Association "Lawyers for Labor Rights" (academic representative); 
Olga Muravyova, lawyer (business/industry representative); 
Anastasia Baranova, student of the Jurisprudence Bachelor's degree program of St. Petersburg State University (representative of the student community). 

The work of the reviewers lasted for three days, during which there were meetings with program's Heads and Teaching staff involved in the implementation of the program, an online tour of laboratories and classrooms, meetings with employers, students and alumni. 

The decision on the international accreditation is expected in December 2020. 

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