New issue of the magazine "Education quality" 21.04.21

One year after the introduction of quarantine restrictions in Russia and Europe, after the hasty transition of educational institutions to online operation and the consequent transfer of quality assurance procedures to a virtual mode, we have reached the stage where we can reflect on the changes that have taken place, learn lessons and develop strategies for the future. The current issue starts with an interview with Patricia Georgieva, member of the Registration Committee of the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) and international expert in education quality assessment, who answered in detail the questions on the impact of the pandemic on various aspects of the activities of HEIs and quality assurance agencies in the European Higher Education Area.
The State Policy section features an article on the prospects of the transition to indefinite state accreditation of Russian universities: this scenario for the future has become a reality, largely due to the changes caused by the pandemic. The Digital Education section includes an article on the positive experience of digitalisation of two Russian universities - a process which relevance has increased manifold due to the global coronavirus crisis.
The materials of the Event section cover the results of the large-scale Gaidar Forum-2021, one of the main tracks of which was dedicated to the concept of post-pandemic development of education. The forum participants presented their views on the competencies of the future, on the optimal model of interaction of regional universities and local authorities, and trends in the transformation of corporate and business education.
We wish you enjoyable reading and hope for fruitful cooperation in 2021, which - we believe - will be better than the previous year.