The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Mongolian National Council for Accreditation in Education and the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development AKKORK is an important step03.02.21

Created in 2005, the Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education and Career Development AKKORK has beenevolving international cooperation with organizations involved in external assessments of the quality of educational programmes.

Mongolian-Russian cooperation in the field of education has been actively developing for many years. Back in 2018 Mongolia and Russia confirmed their interest in cooperation in education and science by signing the Cooperation Programme between the Ministries of the two countries for 2018–2020.

The signing of the Memorandum betweenthe Mongolian National Council for Accreditation in Education and the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Career Development AKKORK and is another step towards strengthening cooperation between countries in the field of education and achieving high standards of external assessment of the quality of education.

The organizations are planning to exchange best practices and experience in the field of external independent assessments, which in the future will ensure the high quality of universities’ syllabusesof both countries. Moreover, in the future, the organizations will conduct joint research, the results of which will be shared with the international expert community.Also, the organizations are going tosupport international academic mobility.


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