On July 12, 2021, an online meeting of the International Accreditation Council was held, at which decisions about the accreditation of programmes of Petrozavodsk State University and Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanova were made.

Meeting was attended by members of the AKKORK International Accreditation Council:

Karl Donert– the Director of the European Quality Center; President of the European Association of Geographers EUROGEO;
Patricia Georgieva – ENQA Expert, Member of the Registration Committee of EQAR Accreditation Agencies;
Pavel Drashar– Chair of the Committee for Awarding the Eurobachelor®, Euromaster® and Eurolabel® Quality Marks, Member of the European Chemical Association;
Mikhail Soloviev – Vice-Rector of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Education University KD Ushinsky.

Programmes of Plekhanov’s University “Management psychology” in the field of studying Psychology and “Business Psychology” in the field of studying Psychology and programmes of PetrSU “Finance, Credit and Accounting” in the field of Economics and “Financial management” in the field of Management were put on the agenda.

Members of the Commission noted that all programmes presented were interesting and in line with current labour market trends. In addition, high-quality material and technical support is provided by the universities.

Based on the results of the meeting, a decision was made:

  • to accredit the programmes "Management psychology" in the direction of training Psychology and "BusinessPsychology" in the direction of training Psychology of the RANEPA G.V. Plekhanov – for a period of 4 (four) years;
  • to accredit the programmes “Finance, Credit and Accounting” in the field of Economics and “Financial management” in the field of Management of PetrSU – for a period of 4 (four) years.
  • to issue to Plekhanov’s Universityand Petrozavodsk State UniversityCertificates of international accreditation of the declared educational programs.

During the meeting, the parties also discussed issues related to the development of international academic mobility. It was remarketed that not on all students have a chance to undergo part of their studies abroad. The members of the Council hope that in the future PetrSU and RANEPA’s administration will develop international academic mobilityat the accredited programmes and thus, will help strengthen ties between Russia and the countries of the world.

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