Expert session on the topic «Modern approaches to quality assurance of preparation and demand of graduates in the context of modernization of professional education» in Ufa 28.03.12

The representatives of AKKORK took part in the expert session on the topic «Modern approaches to quality assurance of preparation and demand of graduates in the context of modernization of professional education» organized by the Chamber of commerce and industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan (CCI RB) in association with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service (USAES). Present at the meeting were: Minister of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan A.S.Gayazov, Vice-president of the Chamber of commerce and industry A.D.Nikin, USAES Rector ad interim N.Z.Solodilova. Business and organization managers, institutions of higher, secondary and elementary professional education.

We are starting to work with the leading agencies including AKKORK. There is a positive experience of cooperation with this organization in our republic, for instance, several years ago Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla underwent Independent education programme accreditation in AKKORK. We want to thank USAES specially for the displayed initiative in contacts with AKKORK, - remarked Alexey Nikin.

AKKORK Director-general Alexey Belokopytov described the work of the agency in Internal quality assurance system (IQAS) development in professional educational institutions, focused on education quality assurance and control as well as about standards, criteria, and the procedure of Independent evaluation of education quality in Independent education programme accreditation, in line with the European practice.

It will be recalled, that in the beginning of March there was concluded a three-party agreement between the CCI RB, Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service, and Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “The Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development” (AKKORK). The organizations will join efforts in the development of mechanisms of social partnership in the sphere of consolidation of competitive ability of Russian education and its quality assurance. In particular at their initiative a regional AKKORK department is being created with the purpose of perfection of the system of human resources reproduction and quality improvement of students training in professional education institutions.

With the use of the materials of the CCI RB website:

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