On August 16, 2021, an online meeting of the AKKORK International Accreditation Council was held at which decisions were made on the accreditation and awarding of Chemistry Eurolabel® to the educational programmes of the Samara State Technical University (SamSTU).

The meeting was attended by members of the AKKORK International Accreditation Council:
Karl Donert – the Director of the European Quality Center; President of the European Association of Geographers EUROGEO;
Patricia Georgieva – ENQA Expert, Member of the Registration Committee of EQAR Accreditation Agencies;
Pavel Drashar – Chair of the Committee for Awarding the Eurobachelor®, Euromaster® and Eurolabel® Quality Marks, Member of the European Chemical Association;
Mikhail Soloviev – Vice-Rector of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Education University KD Ushinsky.

On the agenda of the meeting was the consideration of the results of the external evaluation of the SamSTU educational programmes.

A special feature of the meeting was not only the decision on programmes international accreditation based on the outcomes of external evaluation in accordance with ESG ENQA standards, but also the assignment of the Eurolabel® mark: «Chemistry Eurobachelor®» and «Chemistry Euromaster®».

Eurolabel® was developed by the European Thematic Network for Chemistry ECTN within the framework of the EU project “Tuning Educational Structures in Europe” as the basis for a a framework for the three cycles qualification in chemistry: «Chemistry Eurobachelor®», «Chemistry Euromaster®» and «Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel®».

The assessment means an international quality control and it induces permanent internal quality control. The label improves both the national (e.g., at budgetary aspects) and the international respect of the programmes. 

Compliance with ECTN quality standards gives the right to attach to the diploma of a graduate a certificate of the European quality of training for a Bachelor of Chemistry Eurobachelor® and a master-chemist Master of Chemistry Euromaster® in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework.

For the students the accreditation secures the relevancy of their subjects. Eurolabel® allows graduates to continue their education at European universities.

The Labes «Chemistry Eurobachelor®», «Chemistry Euromaster®» and «Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel®» are recognized in all European countries as a mark of quality in the training of a specialist in chemistry, which contributes to educational European integration. 

Information about programmes awarded Eurolabel® is entered into the Register published on the ECTN website.

Based on the results of the meeting, a decision was made:

1. To accredit the following programmes for a period of 4 (four) years:

  • Chemistry;
  • Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials;
  • Chemical technology;
  • Energy and resource-saving processes in Chemical technology, Petrochemistry, and Biotechnology;
  • Intensification of oil refining and petrochemical processes;
  • Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources.

2. To award the Chemistry Eurobachelor® for a period of 5 (five) years to the following programmes:

  • Chemistry;
  • Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials;
  • Chemical technology;
  • Energy and resource-saving processes in Chemical technology, Petrochemistry, and Biotechnology.

3. To award the Chemistry Euromaster® for a period of 5 (five) years to the following programmes:

  • Intensification of oil refining and petrochemical processes;
  • Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources.

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