CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF SPREADING THE CULTURE OF QUALITY On October 7 and 8, 2021, a celebration of 30th anniversary of INQAAHE was held at the headquaters

For thirty years now, the world expert community has been working together in the field of external quality assurance in education, from year to year improving the quality of management system at the program and institutional levels in educational organizations around the world.

The main aims of this event are: to officially inaugurate the INQAAHE International Headquarters in Barcelona in celebration of the 30th anniversary and to conduct the INQAAHE Board meeting with the official handover to the new Board and Presiden

Regional agencies also discussed the ways of further developing the professional community through overcoming the diversity of cultures.

Within the framework of the meeting, the Director of AKKORK Erika Soboleva made a congratulatory speech, noting that « 30 years it's not old, but already mature!». She wishes that: «INQAAHE would further continue its fruitful work, development, helping organizations all over the world share experience, study new and build their own internal and external quality assurance systems.».
Suring the celebration 3 workshops were carried out:

  1. Making Connections between the Institutional Evaluation and the Sustainable Development Goals, facilitated by ACPUA (Spain) and AQUA (Andorra).
  2. Measuring and Teaching Generic Skills to Improve Student Learning Outcomes, facilitated by Doris Zahner (United States) and Susanna Karakhanyan (United Arab Emirates).
  3. Techniques of External Review on Online Visits, facilitated by Martí Casadesús (Spain), Mary Catharine Lennon (Canada) and Erika Soboleva (Russia).

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