Even though the remote work format had been partially remained during 2021, this year was full of different projects for AKKORK. Many quality assurance projects, which lead to professional-public and international accreditations of educational programmes in the largest universities of Russia, were carried out.An important feature of this year was that almost all projects were carried out in remote or partially remote formats. The AKKORK management notes that, despite the familiar, but still unusual format, all activities within the framework of the projects were as effective as if they were held offline. This is evidenced by the fact that all projects were completed within a specified time frame.
Moreover, thanks to modern technologies, there is no need to be physically present at the university during the online visit, or to fly to another city, which, first, allows not to expose the health of experts to risks during the pandemic, and second, the remote assessment format allows attracting experts in their field from different parts of Russia and abroad. Moreover, the procedure of external assessment and accreditation can be held in short period.

The project at St. Petersburg State University should be noted, as the programs confirmed the high level of student training and the effectiveness of the education quality management system. Based on the results of the projects in 2017 and 2021, the experts emphasized that the programme’s management not only succeeded to remain its’ valid and relevant in the labour market but also to establish a system of continuous improvement of the quality of education through various monitoring tools and feedback from all stakeholders.

During a remote visit to MPEI, AKKORK experts noted the effectiveness of the practical orientation of the declared programs. As early as in the freshmen and sophomore years, students can apply their knowledge and skills in production, which later allows them to quickly adapt to the workplace.

This project is of great international importance since graduates of programmes that have been awarded the Chemistry Eurolabel® mark will in the future be able to enter Universities accredited in ECTN on an equal basis with citizens of the home countries of those universities.