AKKORK International accreditation of educational programs

  • Harmonization of the Russian Federation national educational systems and European countries ones;
  • Creation in the Russian Federation of a system of universities and their educational programs quality assurance;
  • Improving the quality of education provided by educational organizations;
  • Development of an agreed set of recommendations to ensure the quality of professional education
  • Continuous monitoring of the education quality through programs quality assurance mechanisms

AKKORK conducts accreditation at the level of educational programs:
  • higher education,
  • continuing professional education.

Assessment criteria and indicators:

Types of reviewers involved:
  • Project manager
  • Reviewer from academic community, 
  • Reviewer from foreign country
  • Reviewer from employers community
  • Reviewer from students cmmmunity.
All the reviewers undergo selection, training and certification

Procedural steps by initial application:
  • Application for undergoing the procedure of independent education quality evaluation.
  • Conclusion of a contract between HEI and AKKORK
  • HEI members training in internal education audit methodology.
  • Preparation of a self-evaluation report by an educational institution.
  • Formation of a certified review panel, representing the academic community both Russian and foreign, labour market and student community.
  • Desk review of the self-evaluation report done by the reviewers.
  • 2-3 days on-site visit to the educational institution.
  • Preparation and submission of the reviewers’ reports to the educational institution for feedback.
  • Correction of the report (if needed) according to the feedback from HEI.
  • Submission of the reviewer's reports to the AKKORK Advisory council.
  • Approval of the reviewer’s report by the Advisory Council
  • Submission of the Reviewers report to the AKKORK International Accreditation Council for decision on accreditation
  • Issuing an accreditation certificate in case of positive decision
  • Submission of the follow up report in the period stated in the International Accreditation Council’s decision.

Criteria for decisions

The decisions on accreditation are made by the simple majority of votes of the AKKORK International Accreditation Council based on the criteria below. 

Appeals procedure
After receiving reviewer’s reports and decision on accreditation Educational organization, may not agree with the with the decision of the Accrediting organization Accreditation Council. In such cases, an educational organization may submit an appeal to the accrediting organization.

Events calendar ’24

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